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ط ظ ط ط طھطŒ 9 ظٹظˆظ ظٹظˆطŒ 2012. ظ ط طھط طھط ط ظ ظپظظƒ. ط ظ ط ظٹط ط ظ ط ط ط ط ظˆظ ط طظط ط ظ ظ ظ ط ظ ظٹظ. 0 طھط ظ ظٹظ ط طھ. ظƒظ ظˆط طط طھظٹط ظٹ طھظƒظ ظظ ظٹظ ظˆظ ظƒ ط ظ ظ ط ط ظˆط ظ ظ ط ظ ط ظ ط ظ ط . ظ ظٹظ ظٹط ظ ظٹطںطںطںطں.
Keith Smyth blogging on education, learning, technology, inclusion. Academic development and technology in the next 5 years. I was recently invited by two colleagues to write a short reflection on how I thought academic development would evolve over the next five years, with respect to supporting and taking forward good practice in technology-enhanced learning. My reflection is one of a number that they are collecting for inclusion in a book chapter they are currently working on.
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